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Causes of Alcoholism

Alcoholism, or alcohol abuse, is a critical pattern wherein alcohol addiction reaches its prime and most destructive stage. Marked by ever-growing obsession with alcohol, the alcoholics find themselves unable to set a consumption limit in this stage, thus losing total control over it, even as the uncontrolled addiction disrupts their health, social image, work life and personal relationships. Alcohol abuse is a chronic condition, and the ongoing addiction can lead to deadly results, some of which cannot be reversed even upon the victim’s return to sobriety.


There are several reasons and factors which lead to alcoholism and alcohol abuse. These conditions might sneak up without formal intimation upon those who drink alcohol on a daily basis, or indulge regularly in social drinking. While social drinking is meant for fun, celebration and pleasure, excessive indulgence in the same might lead to an alcohol disorder and result in abuse.

Genetics, emotional state of a person, social environment and negative pressure could be the make one prone to alcoholism as well. People with family background consisting of alcoholics, and those around the victims of alcohol abuse might find themselves fall prey to this vicious problem as well. Poor emotional health, mental disorders, psychological problems and excessive stress can land an individual into this condition, too.

Signs and Symptoms

Frequent bouts of depression, heightened stress and anxiety levels, blackouts and short term memory loss etc. are the first few signs of someone likely to be suffering from alcoholism. Victims are likely to find their mental condition perplexing and unstable, and their inability to stick to their daily routine is one of the best giveaways of the upcoming problem of alcohol abuse. The repeated failure to fulfill responsibilities, drunken driving, appearing at workplace in a drunk state, and continued intake of alcohol even with stressed personal relationships indicate the likely condition of alcohol abuse, and corrective measures should begin immediately.

If one finds a gradual yet drastic change in their tolerance levels, or discovers the intake of increasingly larger quantities of alcohol in a short period of time should check the possibility of progressive alcoholism, as control or restriction would become impossible from that point onwards without professional aid and assistance. Victims would find themselves to be lying about their obsession with alcohol, and their dependence on alcohol would significantly increase.


Recovery from alcohol abuse is a slow process, but possible for sure with the coordinated efforts of the victims and those around them. Admitting the problem and seeking help is the very first steady step towards the road to recovery. Facing the problem of alcohol disorder requires immense strength and courage, and constant motivation and support from friends and family members is very essential. Joining self-help groups or a rehabilitation program would bear positive results in a faster manner, as one would be able to focus better on the solution, and the negative stressors would be singled out. Seeking help from fellow rehab inmates, therapists and counselors will help the victims in re-building their lives once again, minus the alcohol disorder.

If you are worried about the causes of alcoholism, or you simply need a little support, pick up the phone and speak to one of our professional counsellors.


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