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Person Centred Therapy

Learning about the different therapeutic methods used by alcohol rehab facilities is vital to making the correct choice for yourself or a loved one. Different alcohol rehab facilities use specific approaches, and not all approaches are effective for all patients. A big part of choosing the right facility is therefore related to understanding the different approaches to alcohol addiction. Person centred therapy relies on the person’s innate ability to identify their own life goals and make changes to their own life with the aim of achieving them.

Person centred therapy is primarily concerned with the therapist’s role in the treatment. The basic idea is that if the person is treated with unconditional positive regard, congruence and empathy, they will be able to identify the areas of their life they wish to change. Therefore, the aim of the therapy is facilitate self-discovery and actualisation, rather than to force the therapists ideas onto the client.

The concept of congruence is integral to person centred therapy. This means that the therapist has to relate to the client openly and honestly without hiding behind their professional image. For example, if a client tells a story about when they felt low and decided to use alcohols, the therapist should admit that he or she turned to alcohol in low moments, and understands what they’re going through. This is opposed to the more traditional approach, which would be to identify the client’s poor coping methods as the cause of their alcohol use.

Unconditional positive regard should also be displayed by therapists using person centred therapy. The therapist has to avoid judging, advising and interrupting the client when he or she is discussing problems. Any disapproval should be hidden in order to provide the client with a safe space in which he or she can divulge anything without fear of negative repercussions. This allows the client to honestly explore their issues, and makes it more likely they are going to arrive at a realisation.

Empathy is another important aspect of person centred therapy. This is important for the same reasons as congruence and unconditional positive regard; to make the client more willing to be honest within the therapeutic setting. The therapist understands what the client is going through, and therefore develops a closer relationship with them. This level of understanding and trust is vital to give the client the confidence to work through their issues in the safe setting.

When used as part of alcohol rehab, person centred therapy is generally effective. By the act of seeking therapy in the first place, the client most likely acknowledges that his or her addiction is problematic, and therefore will probably respond well to the therapy. The change comes from within the individual themselves, after they have aired their problems freely and identified the issues with their current set of behaviours. Proponents of the theory believe that a person’s innate “actualising tendency” allows them to make efforts to fulfil their personal potentials.

If you or a loved one is battling addiction, we can provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision with regards to the best alcohol rehab program. Person centred therapy is effective for many people, and is a distinctly non-confrontational form of treatment. We can provide you with information about the other therapeutic methods used and help you decide which is best for your specific circumstances. Our advice is absolutely free, and we are more than happy to help you through this difficult time. Please get in touch with us if you are struggling with alcohol addiction!

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