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Alcohol Detox Argyll and Bute

There are no centres which offer support during alcohol detox in Argyll and Bute, so the closest available options are found in West Dunbartonshire, located in Alexandria and Dumbarton. Unfortunately, one of these centres still serves a specialist clientele, so the situation might not be ideal. Remember that finding the right treatment is the most important thing for yourself or your loved one, so it’s worth travelling further to find the support you need.

Alcohol Detox in Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire

A harm reduction centre has specialist prescribing facilities for alcohol detox in Dumbarton. They focus on treatments that reduce the risks associated with drinking, and can help anybody aged 16 or over. They use structured counselling to address the psychological issues which often lead to alcoholism, and can also provide general advice and information. They have six GP sessions each work to offer prescriptions for outpatient detox.

Alcohol Detox in Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire

The centre for alcohol detox in Alexandria offers a more comprehensive range of treatments, but only helps pregnant women. They can provide antenatal and postnatal care, and there are no age restrictions on treatment. Detoxification is available as an inpatient or an outpatient, and counselling is also provided. They can also help with practical issues such as debt and housing.

The centre in Dumbarton is probably the best option for anybody who needs treatment during alcohol detox in Argyll in Bute, unless they are a pregnant woman. If you need more information about either of the centres, or would like to find out about additional options in other regions, get in touch with us today! We offer free advice to help you find the treatment you need, and we can answer any questions you might have. Our aim is to find you the right care, so pick up the phone now for some professional advice!

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