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Drug Detox Devon

Options for drug detox in Devon can be found in Barnstaple, Okehampton and Plymouth, with the majority of services located in Plymouth. There are two main types of drug detox on offer: inpatient and outpatient. Outpatient detoxification is when medication is offered through a local GP and the individual gets clean in his or her local community. The other type is inpatient treatment, which is medically supervised so that medication can be provided as and when required. It’s important to learn about your options before you make a decision regarding drug detoxification in Devon.

Drug Detox in Barnstaple, Devon

There is only one centre which provides drug detox in Barnstaple, and it focuses on helping users aged under 19. The centre offers outpatient detoxification, and also provides harm reduction services. Counselling and general advice is provided to help with the psychological side to addiction, and the centre can also help the children of drug using parents.

Drug Detox in Okehampton, Devon

The centre for drug detox in Okehampton is a residential treatment facility which doesn’t offer medical treatments during withdrawal. They do allow individuals attending treatment to bring GP-prescribed medication with them, however. The service operates out of a 320-acre farm, and is run by a Christian organisation. Anybody aged 16 or over is welcome to attend, and structured day programmes and counselling are the main forms of treatment provided.

Drug Detox in Plymouth, Devon

One of the centres for drug detox in Plymouth is a comprehensive service which also offers counselling, day programmes, residential treatment and harm reduction services. Both inpatient and outpatient detoxification are available, and they also provide general advice and information to help users of any age. The other centre for drug detox in Plymouth is residential, but provides medically-supervised inpatient detoxification to users aged 16 or over. Counselling and day programmes complete the six-week residential programme of treatment.
There are several options for drug detox in Devon, and making the right decision for you or your loved one isn’t easy. If you’re struggling to make the right decision, we can help you determine your requirements and find the right care. We have a detailed knowledge of the centres located across the county, and we’ll suggest the most suitable options to you. Our advice comes at no charge and with no obligation, so get in touch and see how we can help you!

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