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Drug Rehab Glasgow

Learning about each of the variety of options available to you is an important step in choosing a drug rehab in Glasgow. The different treatment centres in the city employ specific therapeutic models, and also offer unique collections of services. You should learn about the drug you or your loved one is using and the things you consequently need in a centre. It’s also helpful to find out about the different therapeutic models used by the drug rehabs in the City of Glasgow.

Drug Rehabilitation Glasgow

There are nine centres in total offering drug rehab in Glasgow. Two of these centres provide residential treatment, which offers users round-the-clock support and a positive atmosphere in which to get clean. One of the residential centres focuses on helping mothers who have a problem with drugs, as well as their children. They treat through counselling, but also have facilities for inpatient detoxification. The centre also operates a community outreach programme. The other residential centre helps users of any age, and offers a more comprehensive array of treatments. They use day programmes and structured counselling, and offer help with the criminal justice system, harm reduction facilities (such as needle exchange) and outpatient detoxification services.

The most comprehensive drug rehab in Glasgow can help users of any age and has a multi-disciplinary staff. They provide all common drug rehab services aside from residential treatment, such as structured counselling, day programmes, inpatient and outpatient detoxification, help with the criminal justice system and harm reduction services. They start treatment with a thorough needs assessment, and then treatments are offered depending on the individual’s requirements.

A few of the other centres for drug rehabilitation in Glasgow offer outpatient detoxification, which is when substitute medicines (or ones for withdrawal management) are offered with the help of a local GP. One rehab which provides this service also provides structured counselling, help with the criminal justice system and aftercare. Their aftercare is primarily to help the user find work or get into education and training. Another outpatient detoxification centre specialises in helping homeless people with addiction problems find housing and access mainstream health services. They also offer counselling and help users of any age. The final centre focuses on helping pregnant or postnatal women, and focus on sexual health issues. They do provide inpatient or outpatient detoxification, and also use structured counselling to tackle the underlying issues which drive people to drugs.

The last few centres providing drug rehab in Glasgow offer structured counselling and day programmes to help users get clean. One of the centres provides both, and uses a mixture of individual and group counselling. They also focus on life skills, and offer college courses on-site. One centre only has counselling, and is largely a service for the homeless. They offer advice and counselling to help with drugs, but don’t have any physical treatments. The final centre aims to support methadone users with structured day programmes, and can also arrange work placements and training.

Making a decision regarding a specific drug rehab in the City of Glasgow isn’t easy. Different users have different needs, and it’s important to make sure they get all the support they require. We have a detailed knowledge of the different centres in the area, and can help you make the right choice for your needs. Our service is completely free, so pick up the phone and see what we can do for you. We know you’re going through a difficult time, and we’re here to help.

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