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Drug Rehab Isle-of-Wight

Unfortunately there is only one option available for drug rehab on the Isle of Wight. This limits the options available to drug users who don’t want to find a residential programme on the mainland or travel regularly. We offer telephone counselling, which can be a viable option for some people looking for drug rehab on the Isle of Wight. This service comes with a small fee, but entirely removes transport costs and makes it easier to fit counselling in with a busy schedule. The only drug treatment centre on the Isle of Wight is located in Newport.

Drug Rehabilitation Newport, Isle of Wight

The drug rehab in Newport is the only option for anybody looking for drug treatment on the Isle of Wight. Its services are available to people of any gender and any age, so there are no restrictions on who can receive treatment there. The most basic service they provide is advice and information, which increases users’ knowledge of the drug they are taking and the risks associated with it. They don’t offer counselling as a stand-alone service, so users who don’t want to attend a structured day programme can simply attend the Newport drug rehabilitation centre for advice if they wish.

The structured day programme offers a more intensive option for drug treatment in Newport. The day programme is a non-residential form of treatment, where users return home in the evening after a day of treatment. The programme incorporates a variety of treatments, such as one-to-one and group counselling, to help users get clean. You don’t need to be referred by a specialist in order to attend treatment programmes at the drug rehab in Newport.

The only centre for drug rehabilitation in Newport also works with GPs and local health services to provide community prescribing. Certain drugs carry serious withdrawal symptoms when users try to get clean, and medication can help manage the symptoms and reduce the temptation to use again. Likewise, drugs such as heroin are easier to stop taking if a substitute such as methadone is made available. The dosage can be reduced gradually and carefully monitored to help cravings subside.

The final service provided by the drug rehab in Newport is harm reduction. Harm reduction services are concerned with reducing the risks associated with drug use, rather than forcing abstinence on people. Services like needle exchange are offered to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases through dirty injecting equipment. General advice on harm reduction is also offered so users who can’t or don’t want to get clean can at least use in the safest way possible. The drug treatment centre in Newport is suitable for most cases of drug addiction, but residential treatment elsewhere might be necessary for some extreme cases.

Although there is only one option for drug rehabilitation on the Isle of Wight, determining whether it is suitable for your needs is still important. Some users struggle to get clean without an intensive and holistic treatment plan. We have a detailed knowledge of the drug rehab on the Isle of Wight, and centres found nearby on the mainland. We can help you determine if the centre is suitable for your needs, and explain the most viable alternatives if it isn’t. This service is completely free, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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