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Drug Rehab Leicestershire

Learning about the specific treatments offered by the different centres for drug rehab in Leicestershire helps you choose the right treatment for your needs. There are drug treatment centres available in Leicester and Loughborough, and these employ different therapeutic models and serve different clientele. It helps to understand what you need in a centre and to have a good knowledge of the therapeutic models before making your decision.

Drug Rehabilitation Leicester, Leicestershire

The vast majority of centres in Leicestershire are found in Leicester. The first option for drug rehab in Leicester is a harm reduction centre which offers needle exchange, support, information and advice. Service starts with a thorough needs assessment, which is followed by the treatments deemed necessary. The centre can provide structured day programmes encompassing support groups and social activities, and also offers assistance with the criminal justice system. They help people of any age, and even friends and families of users.

There is also a comprehensive drug rehab in Leicester, offering a wide range of services to people of any age who have been affected by drugs. They provide structured counselling, community prescribing, advice, harm reduction services and help with criminal justice. They can also refer users to other facilities if needed. The centre aims to make drug users’ lives healthier and crime free.

There are two specialist services available for under 19s. One of these provides a simple mentoring and advice service to young people particularly at risk from substance abuse. The other service is similar, but operates under harm reduction principles. They aim to reduce the risks associated with drug use, by providing things like clean needles and advice on safe injecting. This drug treatment centre in Leicester also offers structured counselling, which is vital for tackling the root causes of addiction.

The final option for drug rehabilitation in Leicester is an enhanced arrest referral service. This means that they work specifically with people in the criminal justice system who have tested positive for a Class A drug. They assess their clients’ needs, and then provide structured counselling to deal with the issues which drove them to use drugs. The service is available to people of any age, although under 18s have to be accompanied by an adult. They help their clients find work after their sentence, suggesting work in the field of drug or alcohol abuse.

Drug Programmes Loughborough, Leicestershire

The only centre offering drug rehab in Loughborough primarily provides advice and harm reduction services. They work with users over the age of 18 and their loved ones, starting with a needs assessment and referring clients to other facilities where necessary. The centre has specialist workers who can deal with females and members of ethnic minorities. The service is open access, so no special referrals are needed to attend.

If you’re struggling to choose drug rehab in Leicestershire, we have a detailed knowledge of the different treatments offered by each centre. We can help you determine which therapeutic model and set of services is most suited to your needs, and aim to guide you to the correct decision. Choosing the right centre makes it more likely that the treatment will be successful, so you should always consider the options carefully. Our advice is completely free, so there’s no need to go through this alone. We are here to help you.

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