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Drug Detox Londonderry

Only one service provides drug detox in Londonderry, and it’s located in Coleraine. Even though this may be the only centre located near to you, you should carefully consider whether or not it’s suited to your requirements. In more severe cases of addiction, inpatient treatment may be required to ensure safe withdrawal. If yourself or your loved one has had trouble getting clean in the past, residential treatment may be necessary, but counselling is always needed in cases of addiction.

Drug Detox in Coleraine, Londonderry

The only option for drug detox in Coleraine offers a comprehensive range of treatments to users over the age of 18. Both inpatient and outpatient detoxification are available, so you can be medically supervised throughout the process or just receive medicines through your GP. They have both individual and group counselling on offer, and this is also available for the loved ones of users. They have harm reduction services such as testing for blood-borne viruses and immunisation for hepatitis B. Structured day programmes are also available at this centre, which combine counselling with other activities for a more complete package of treatment.

Although there is only one option for drug detox in Londonderry, it provides a wide range of services and is suitable for the vast majority of users. If you or your loved one is under 18, however, you may have to travel further to find specialist treatment. We’re experts in drug rehabilitation and detoxification, and we can help you find the right care. We’ll answer any questions you might have, and we can give you more information about the centre in Londonderry. Our advice is completely free, so get in touch with us today!

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