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Alcohol Detox Monmouthshire

The only centre for alcohol detox in Monmouthshire is located in Abergavenny, so any drinkers looking for treatment in the region may have to travel. The centre also serves a specialist clientele, so this makes things a little more difficult for alcoholics in the region. You should consider options located further afield if you aren’t eligible for treatment at the centre. Generally speaking, the heaviest drinkers will require supervised inpatient treatment, but most can get clean safely with medications prescribed to take at home with the help of a local GP. In almost all cases, counselling or structured day programmes is required to address the root causes of the issue.

Alcohol Detox in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire

Only drinkers with other complex needs can attend treatment at the centre for alcohol detox in Monmouthshire. This means that pregnant women, poly substance misusers and those with additional physical or mental health issues are the only ones eligible for treatment, regardless of their age. They have a specialist service for young drinkers, and offer both physical and psychological support. Inpatient detoxification is available, and outpatient treatment can be arranged through links with a local GP. Harm reduction services are available to minimize the risks of continued alcohol abuse, and counselling is used to help drinkers remove their reliance on alcohol.

Looking at options for treatment in other regions is advised if you don’t meet the eligibility requirements at the only centre for alcohol detox in Monmouthshire. We have a comprehensive knowledge of the different centres located all across Wales, so we’ll suggest the best alternatives to you. If you have any questions we’ll happily answer them for you, and we can also give you an idea of your requirements. Our advice comes with no charge and no obligation, so pick up the phone now for some free, confidential advice!

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