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Alcohol Rehab Clinics Norfolk

All of the centres which offer alcohol rehab Norfolk are located in Norwich. There are several facilities in the area, and it helps to learn about what each one has to offer before you make your decision. You should also read about the different approaches to treating addiction, because some centres employ one or more of them, and they aren’t all suited to everybody. If travel is an issue, we do provide telephone counselling for a small fee, which is a viable treatment option if you or your loved one won’t need medical intervention.

Alcohol Rehabilitation Programmes Norwich, Norfolk

There are five options in total for alcohol rehab in Norwich. Two of the centres primarily focus on structured counselling, which is vital for addressing the underlying psychological issues which often play a part in addiction. One of these centres helps the homeless on an outreach basis, either in hostels, on the street or in day centres. They help any homeless alcoholics aged 16 or over and also have a supported housing project which is offered as aftercare. Harm reduction facilities are also available at this centre, which are designed to reduce the risks associated with drinking.

The other counselling-based alcohol rehab in Norwich can help drinkers of any age, and has a special service dedicated to young people. They also provide general advice and information, and can assist with the criminal justice system. Their counselling team is accessible through the website, a 24 hour helpline and via drop-in sessions. The centre also operates outreach programs, has harm reduction facilities and helps people find housing.

There is one residential alcohol rehab in Norwich. It accepts women between the ages of 18 and 55, and uses the 12 step approach to treatment. Their care is based on Christian principles, but they don’t force residents into making any spiritual commitments. The 12 step approach is a “disease” model of addiction, and uses abstinence-based treatment. They incorporate both one to one counselling and group sessions at this centre. This centre does have an inpatient detoxification service, which is medically supervised by a GP. Most women attend treatment at this centre for around six months.

The last two centres which provide alcohol rehab in Norwich offer a more comprehensive array of treatments to drinkers of any age. On the lowest level, they provide advice, aftercare and can help with the criminal justice system. Structured counselling is also available at both centres, and they can work with GPs to offer withdrawal management medicines in the local community. Both of the centres also provide harm reduction services, and one of them incorporates the harm reduction philosophy into their entire approach. This harm reduction centre also offers inpatient detoxification.

If you’re struggling to choose the right centre out of the several possibilities for alcohol rehab in Norfolk, we can help you get the care you need. We have a detailed knowledge of the different centres in the area, and can suggest the best options for your specific circumstances. We can explain the different therapeutic models to you, and answer any questions you might have about treatment. Our service is completely free, so don’t hesitate to pick up the phone! We know you’re going through a difficult time, and we’re here to help.

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