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Drug Rehab Orkney

To make the right decision regarding a specific drug rehab in Orkney, you need to learn about the different options and what they have to offer. There are facilities located in Kirkwall and Stromness, although each only has one centre. You should learn about the drug you or your loved one is abusing and what a user needs in terms of treatments. It can also help if you look into the different therapeutic models used before you choose a drug rehab in Orkney. We offer telephone counselling, which can be sufficient treatment for users who won’t undergo serious physical withdrawal.

Drug Rehabilitation Kirkwall, Orkney

The only drug rehab in Kirkwall is specifically for users aged between 10 and 20. They offer advice and counselling to help with a variety of issues, including stress, anger management, eating disorders, self esteem problems and other factors which can lead to drug use. Counselling is designed to tackle these addictions and remove the need for drugs. The centre operates on an appointment system, but they also have some drop-in sessions available. Users who’ve already gone through treatment can receive aftercare at this facility, and they also help their loved ones.

Drug Counselling Stromness, Orkney

The drug rehab in Stromness primarily provides advice and can refer users to other services as required. They help anybody aged 16 or over, and can also help their friends and families. Their staff is comprised of nurses and support workers, and they aim to provide a holistic service. Support is offered in the community, and they also serve as a resource for information on drugs and addiction.

If you’re struggling to choose the most suitable drug rehab in Orkney, we can help you reach the right decision. We have a detailed knowledge of the different services in the area, and can also suggest possibilities on the mainland if you’re willing to travel. We’ll listen to your requirements, and answer any questions you might have about the different services offered and the therapeutic models used. We know you’re going through a difficult time, and we provide free advice to help you find the right treatment.

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