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Alcohol Rehab Powys

Finding out about the different services available in the local area is important if you’re looking for alcohol rehab in Powys. Unfortunately, there is only one centre available in the region, located in Welshpool. If you can’t travel for treatment, we do provide telephone counselling, which can help in many cases of alcoholism. Generally speaking, if you or your loved one is a particularly heavy drinker, you may need some additional medical treatment.

Alcohol Rehab in Welshpool, Powys

The only centre for alcohol rehab in Welshpool primarily treats through counselling. It helps alcoholics over the age of 18, and can also assist their loved ones. Counselling is designed to identify and tackle the underlying issues which drive people to drink. This can be a time-consuming process, because self-esteem issues and problems with stress management are often deep-seated. They can also offer general advice on alcohol-related issues. You don’t need a special referral to attend treatment at this centre.

If you’re having trouble choosing a centre for alcohol rehab in Powys, we can help you find the right centre for your needs. The main issue with finding treatment in the region is that the only centre can’t arrange benzodiazepine prescriptions to manage withdrawal symptoms in heavy drinkers. We have a detailed knowledge of the different centres available across the country, and can suggest alternative options to you if required. We’ll answer any questions you have regarding treatment, and will ensure the centre you choose is suitable for your needs. We know you’re going through a difficult time, and we’re here to help.

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