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Drug Detox West Midlands

Anybody looking for drug detox in West Midlands has to choose between centres located in Birmingham and West Bromwich. There aren’t too many services in the area which help during withdrawal, but most of them are located in Birmingham. You should consider the treatments provided and how they match up to your requirements when you make a decision; a convenient location is a bonus, not a prime consideration. Outpatient detoxification is when medicines are provided with the help of a local GP, and inpatient treatment takes place under constant medical supervision.

Drug Detox in Birmingham, West Midlands

Four different centres offer services during drug detox in Birmingham. One of these centres is pretty basic in the services it provides, offering counselling and outpatient detoxification to over 18s. They primarily provide replacement medicines such as methadone for detox. Another centre in the city offers the same services to offenders, and also has harm reduction facilities available. This service arranges prescriptions of any medication needed during detoxification. A similar service helps anybody over the age of 18, but primarily focuses on steroid users. The final option for drug detox in Birmingham is a psychiatric hospital which can provide both inpatient and outpatient detoxification to over 18s. They also operate a day programme and have structured counselling available.

Drug Detox in West Bromwich, West Midlands

The only centre for drug detox in West Bromwich offers treatments in the community to users aged over 18. They operate under the harm reduction philosophy, and treat using a combination of counselling and outpatient detoxification. They liaise with a wide range of other agencies to offer a complete treatment package to clients.

Medical treatment during withdrawal is extremely important, but the main priority should be finding psychological support. Addiction is a fundamentally psychological issue, so don’t be mistaken into thinking detoxifying is all you need. If you’re unsure of the best course of action to take for treatment, we’ll help you reach the right decision. We have a comprehensive knowledge of the different centres in the area, and we’ll suggest the most suitable options to you. Our advice is free of charge and there is no obligation; we’re just here to help you. Pick up the phone and get in touch with us today!

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