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Drug Detox Falkirk

The only centre which provides treatments during drug detox in Falkirk is located within the region’s namesake town. Psychological treatment is just as important as physical treatments during detox, and the counselling you receive should ideally extend well beyond the time-frame of physical detoxification. Although drugs of abuse put the user under serious physical strain, addiction itself is a psychological issue that must be dealt with accordingly to avoid relapse. Keep this in mind when you decide what to do for drug detox in Falkirk.

Drug Detox in Falkirk, Falkirk

The centre for drug detox in Falkirk is a specialist service for young people aged between 12 and 18. They provide detoxification on an outpatient basis, so any required medications are prescribed through a local GP to be taken in the local community. The centre can also arrange referrals to inpatient detoxification services where required, which is medically supervised around the clock. The centre offers structured counselling and a day programme (which includes additional therapeutic activities) to help users break free from the psychological grasp of addiction. Harm reduction services such as needle exchange and free condoms are also available at this centre.

The main problem with finding treatment for drug detox in Falkirk is that the only centre specialises in helping young people. Anybody aged over 18 looking for treatment may have to travel to a neighbouring region. We can help you find the care you need. We have a comprehensive knowledge of the options for treatment located all across the country and we’ll give you all of the information you need to make an informed decision. Our advice is free and there is no obligation, so get in touch with us today and see how we can help you!

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