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Drug Rehab Herefordshire

Although there aren’t any centres in the county, if you or your loved one is looking for addiction treatment, there are a few options for drug rehab near Herefordshire, including centres in Shrewsbury and Worcester. Before you make your decision, though, you should learn a little bit about what each of the centres offers, because this will help you determine the best fit for your own or your loved one’s needs.

Drug Rehab in Shrewsbury, Near Herefordshire

The main option for drug rehab in Shrewsbury is a residential centre, offering a three to six month programme for people aged 18 to 60 with addictions. The program is abstinence-based, and uses the bio-psycho-social model for treatment – which looks at addiction as a combination of biological, psychological and social factors – as well as providing a wide range of treatments, including one-to-one and group counselling, complementary therapies such as acupuncture and life skills training.

Drug Rehab in Worcester, Near Herefordshire

There are a few options for drug rehab in Worcester, but all of these have similar approaches to treatment. All of the centres offer harm reduction services, such as needle exchange, and offer a community prescribing service so users can get substitute medicines or ones to help during withdrawal in their local area. One of the centres also offers structured counselling, on both a one-to-one and a group basis.

If you’re unsure which of the options for drug rehab near Herefordshire is right for you or your loved one’s needs, we’re here to help. We’ll talk through the options with you, answer any questions you may have about treatment and suggest alternative centres in other nearby locations. Our service is completely free, so get in touch with us today and we’ll help you find the treatment you need.

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