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Drug Rehab Buckinghamshire

Finding out about the different options for drug rehab Buckinghamshire is always beneficial in making the right decision regarding your own or your loved one’s treatment. There are a wide range of facilities for treatment in Buckinghamshire, with offerings in Milton Keynes, High Wycombe and Aylesbury. Most of the centres are in Milton Keynes, with only one service in Aylesbury and one in High Wycombe.

Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire

If you’re looking for drug treatment in Milton Keynes, there are several options available to you. One centre operates on harm minimisation principles, providing things like needle exchange and risk management to drug users. It can also offer structured counselling and aftercare where needed. Another drug rehab in Milton Keynes focuses on people who have recently been involved in criminal justice. It is primarily an aftercare facility, and they can also work with people leaving residential centres to help them stay clean.

One inpatient substance abuse rehabilitation centre in Milton Keynes offers general rehab services and also has harm reduction facilities. Treatment starts with an assessment of the patient’s needs, and then staff construct an individualised treatment plan. They use a combination of group counselling, one to one counselling and aftercare to help patients get clean. The centre is accessed via drop-ins and they can refer people to other agencies where required. There is also a similar drug rehab in Milton Keynes which offers comparable services to governmental and private agencies. This centre also has facilities for inpatient detoxification.

Drug Treatment Centres High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

There is only centre option for drug treatment  in High Wycombe. They offer structured counselling, day programmes, and can help with criminal justice. Treatment starts with an assessment of the patient’s needs, and staff will refer them to a residential drug treatment centre in Buckinghamshire if required. They will also refer patients who need medication or other support during rehab, and liaise with GPs where necessary. As the only drug rehab in High Wycombe, they also offer general advice on drugs and addiction. Their clientele is any gender, but over 18.

Inpatient Drug Programs Aylesbury, Bucks

If you’re looking for drug programs in Aylesbury, there is only one centre available. They primarily offer advice on drugs and health, and also provide education or training where required. There is a counselling service, which also is willing to take on friends or family members struggling with a loved one’s addiction. There is access to primary health care services, so patients can have sessions with GPs and surgery in a healthcare setting. The drug rehab in Aylesbury also provides complementary therapies such as acupuncture and aromatherapy as required. The service is highly inclusive, suitable for any age, ethnicity or gender.

Choosing a specific course of drug rehab in Buckinghamshire isn’t easy, and it helps if you have a basic understanding of your needs and the different therapeutic methods used. We provide free advice on the various facilities in your local area, and can give you more information about the different options for  treatment in Bucks. We know that going through drug addiction isn’t easy, and we’re here to help.

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