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Drug Rehab Cheshire

Finding out about the options for drug rehab Cheshire is important when you’re choosing a treatment programme for yourself or a loved one. The options for drug treatment in Cheshire are located in Chester, Ellesmere Port and Macclesfield. There aren’t many facilities for drug rehab in Cheshire, so you may have to travel to find suitable treatment. However, we offer telephone counselling, which drastically reduces the cost of psychological help – especially when travel costs are considered. The variety of options for drug treatment in Cheshire can help with most drug addiction.

Drug Treatment Programs Chester, Cheshire

There is only one option available for drug rehabilitation in Chester. It is a residential treatment centre, which provides round-the-clock support for people suffering from addiction. Not all addictions require residential treatment, so this centre is only really necessary for serious cases. They take men and women over 18 years old, and don’t restrict their treatment to any specific substances. You don’t need a referral from a medical professional to enrol into this residential drug treatment centre in Chester.

Residential / Non Residential Drug Addiction Support Ellesmere Port, Cheshire

There are two different options for drug addiction support in Ellesmere Port, but one of them only provides advice for the families of users. The treatment centre is primarily focused on alcohol, but the services offered are also suitable for drugs. They offer structured counselling on a one-to-one or group basis, and can also arrange treatment with other organisations where needed. The group sessions at this drug rehab in Ellesmere Port focus on specific aspects of recovery, such as abstinence, relapse management and stress management. It is a drop-in centre, so you don’t have to book ahead for this Ellesmere Port drug treatment facility. They can arrange residential or non-residential detoxification treatment, and can provide complementary holistic therapies too. If you’re looking for drug rehabilitation in Ellesmere Port, this is the only centre which provides treatment.

The other drug treatment centre in Ellesmere Port is focused on giving family members and loved ones advice on addiction. They provide support for people affected by their loved one’s addiction, and help them through the difficult time. Drug addiction doesn’t only affect the user, and the strain it puts on family relationships makes managing the problem even more difficult. This advice-centred drug rehab in Ellesmere Port can help relieve this tension and create a more stable environment for the individual’s recovery.

Drug Treatment Centres Macclesfield, Cheshire

There is only one option for treatment in Macclesfield. The centre provides a wide range of treatments, from harm reduction through to structured day programmes. The harm reduction services include needle exchange, general health advice and testing for blood-borne viruses. They also offer immunisation at this drug treatment centre in Macclesfield. Substitutes can be prescribed to patients struggling with opiate addiction, and alternative therapies are also available. Detoxification can be arranged on a community basis, or a residential basis at the centre in Chester. The drug rehab in Macclesfield also provides aftercare and a structured day programme (non-residential).

We offer free advice on the different options available for substance misuse recovery in Cheshire, and can help you decide on the most suitable centre for your needs. Choosing the right drug treatment program in Cheshire requires an understanding of the various therapeutic models employed by the centres, and how they suit different individuals. People taking some drugs also require more intense care during withdrawal than those taking others. If you’re struggling to choose a drug rehab in Cheshire, we are here to help you.

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