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Drug Detox County Down, Ireland

There are options for treatment during drug detox in County Armagh located in Craigavon and Armagh. It’s important to ensure the treatments you require are offered by the centre you choose, so learning about the specific drug you or your loved one is abusing can be extremely useful. In more severe cases, or in cases of addiction to more dangerous substances such as tranquilizers, inpatient treatment may be required. Outpatient treatment works through a local GP, and withdrawal or substitute management medicines are offered as needed.

Drug Detox in Craigavon, County Armagh

The only option for drug detox in Craigavon is a centre which only helps over 18s. They offer substitute medications such as Subutex and methadone to opiate addicts on an outpatient basis. They also have structured counselling available, which helps users identify the underlying issues which contribute towards the issue. General drug-related information and education is available.

Drug Detox in Armagh, County Armagh

The centre which offers drug detox in Armagh only provides medical treatment for withdrawal on an outpatient basis. This centre helps anybody over the age of 18, and works with other agencies where necessary. They provide structured counselling, outreach projects, peer education projects and help with the criminal justice system.

Unfortunately, the options for treatment during drug detox in County Armagh don’t provide inpatient treatment, so some users might have to look for treatment in neighbouring regions. If you’re unsure of the best course of action for your own or your loved one’s addiction, we can help you find the care you need. We have a comprehensive knowledge of the different centres available across the country, and we’ll suggest the best options to you. Our advice comes with no charge, so get in touch with us today for some free help!

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