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Drug Rehab East Yorkshire

Finding out about the different options for drug rehab in East Yorkshire helps you make the right decision regarding treatment for yourself or your loved one. Hull is the only location in the county where there are centres, so you might have to travel for treatment. If the expense and inconvenience associated with travel makes attending treatment difficult, we offer telephone counselling for a small fee. This can help you fit treatment in with a busy schedule, and dramatically reduces costs compared with face-to-face counselling. It’s also important to understand your requirements when you choose a drug rehab in East Yorkshire.

Drug Rehabilitation Hull, East Yorkshire

There are several optiwons for drug rehab in Hull. One of these services specialises in helping users in the criminal justice system, and can assist anybody over the age of 16. On first admission, they conduct a thorough needs assessment and then suggest treatments based on that meeting. In terms of treatment, however, this centre only really offers advice and support.

Another drug treatment facility in Hull helps users aged 16 or over taking any type of substance, whether legal or illegal. They provide a wide range of services, such as drugs awareness training, group work, support for loved ones, help tailored to ethnic minorities and help to sex workers on an outreach basis. They have harm reduction services such as needle exchange, designed to minimise the risks associated with drug use. They also offer advice on treatment planning, rehabilitation and coping strategies, and can also provide structured counselling using a psycho-social treatment model.

A different drug rehab in Hull offers help to users leaving the criminal justice system within three months of their release. They provide one to one support, and use a wide range of approaches to help addicts, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, brief solution-focused therapy and motivational interviewing. They provide structured counselling, but primarily focus on helping ex-offenders resettle into the local community.

One centre for drug rehabilitation in Hull focuses on users under the age of 19. They provide both physical and psychological treatments to tackle addiction, including harm reduction services like needle exchange and structured counselling. They use the psycho-social model of treatment, and can refer users to residential treatment where needed. They also work with GPs to provide outpatient detoxification, offering substitute and withdrawal management medications in the local area. They work on an outreach basis.

The remaining two centres for drug rehab in Hull are a part of the same organisation, but offer different treatments. One of these helps users over the age of 18 who have tested positive for class A drugs at a police station. They provide advice, help with the criminal justice system and harm reduction services. There are structured day programmes available, and they also offer structured counselling. They work with GPs to provide substitute or withdrawal management medications in the local community.

The final option for drug treatment in Hull is an outreach service that primarily offers advice. They offer harm reduction services such as needle exchange, and also provide advice on methadone safety and the dangers of drink spiking. The centre also operates drug awareness workshops to help build community understanding of the issues.

If you’re struggling to choose a drug rehab in East Yorkshire, we offer free advice to help you reach the right decision. It helps to have an understanding of the different therapeutic models employed by the centres, and we can explain these to you in plain English. We have a detailed knowledge of the different centres available and can suggest the best options for your requirements. Our advice is completely free, so pick up the phone and get in touch! We are here to help.

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