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Drug Detox Hertfordshire

There are only two services which provide drug detox in Hertfordshire, and they’re both located in Stevenage, but one also has centres in Hitchin and Royston. If none of the centres are suitable for your needs, you should consider travelling to neighbouring counties for treatment. You’ll probably need inpatient detoxification if your situation is severe or you’ve tried to get clean before and have relapsed, but otherwise receiving medication with the help of a local GP should be sufficient.

Drug Detox in Stevenage, Herfordshire

Anybody is welcome to attend the drug detox in Stevenage which has additional branches in Hitchin and Royston. They’re harm reduction centres, which also have counselling and aftercare available. Harm reduction services such as needle exchanges and free condoms are provided to reduce the risk associated with drug use. Outpatient detoxification is offered with the assistance of a local GP.
The other drug detox in Stevenage is a more comprehensive service which only helps substance abusers aged 16 or over. This centre can offer both inpatient and outpatient detoxification, making them suitable for the vast majority of users. They also have harm reduction facilities on offer, and structured counselling to address the underlying issues which contribute to addiction.

You’re somewhat limited in your choices for drug detox in Hertfordshire, but the second centre is likely to be suitable for any drug users. If you’re struggling to make the right decision, or want more information about the different centres in the area, get in touch with us for some free advice! We have a detailed knowledge of the options for drug rehabilitation all across the country, so we’ll be able to suggest the best options to you. Pick up the phone and let us take some weight off your shoulders. We’ll get you the treatment you need

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