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Drug Detox Manchester

Finding out about the centres available in Manchester, Oldham and Stockport is essential if you’re looking for drug detox in Greater Manchester. If you or your loved one has a particularly severe addiction you should consider inpatient detoxification rather than outpatient treatment, which takes place in the community with the help of a local GP. It’s important to think about the other services which the different centres for drug detox in Greater Manchester provide when you make your decision.

Drug Detox in Manchester, Greater Manchester

There are two different options for drug detox in Manchester, but both only offer outpatient treatment. One of these caters to anybody aged over 16, but only offers detoxification to those who are using stimulant drugs. Counselling is also available at this centre. The other centre focuses on offering treatment through a GP, and helps users of any age with harm reduction services, day programmes and outpatient detoxification.

Drug Detox in Oldham, Greater Manchester

Two different centres provide drug detox in Oldham, but one of these only helps under 19s. This centre offers both inpatient and outpatient detoxification, counselling, day programmes and harm reduction services. The other service in the area only offers detox for benzodiazepines to over 18s. They also provide day programmes and counselling for any users.

Drug Detox in Stockport, Greater Manchester

The only option for drug detox in Stockport is a comprehensive service which helps users aged under 21. Detoxification can be offered either on an inpatient or outpatient basis, and they also provide counselling, harm reduction services, complementary therapies and advice on a wide range of practical issues.
There are several viable options for drug detoxification in Greater Manchester, but making the right decision isn’t easy. If you’re struggling to determine the best option for your own or your loved one’s needs, we are here to help you. We have a thorough knowledge of the centres in the local area, and we can help you determine your treatment requirements. Our advice is completely free, so don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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