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Drug Rehab Rutland

Finding a suitable drug rehab near Rutland ensures you find the right treatment for yourself or your loved one, and although the options within Rutland itself are limited, there are several options in nearby Peterborough, Leicester and Corby. Each drug rehab near Rutland offers different services, though, so it’s a good idea to learn about each of the centres before you make your decision.

Drug Rehab in Corby, Near Rutland

There is one centre for drug rehab in Corby, and this offers harm reduction services such as needle exchange, individual counselling, advice and information. The service also operates an outreach program for the homeless and works with offenders in the community. However, you must be 18 or over to use this centre.

Drug Rehab in Leicester, Near Rutland

One service for drug rehab in Leicester provides many services for drug users from Leicestershire and Rutland, offering structured counselling, harm reduction services, general advice and information, prescriptions for medications to collect in your local area, and referrals to other services where needed. Another drug rehab in Leicester offers harm reduction services and counselling to drug users aged 19 or younger.

Drug Rehab in Peterborough, Near Rutland

A couple of different centres provide drug rehab in Peterborough, with one service offering substitution medicines, counselling and inpatient detoxification services to drug users of any age. The remaining centre offers a wide range of support to people of any age, including counselling, harm reduction services (such as a needle exchange service and free condoms), information and advice, alternative therapies, structured counselling and training or educational services.

If you’re looking for drug rehab in Rutland, but you’re unsure which of the available centres is most suited to your needs, or you would like more information about other centres available nearby, we’re here to help you. We’ll answer any questions you might have about the different centres and the services they offer, and will help you find an appropriate centre for your needs. Get in touch with us for some free advice today!

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