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Drug Rehab Staffordshire

Learning about the different centres offering drug rehab in Staffordshire is important if you or a loved one is considering treatment in the area. There are facilities in Stafford, Uttoxeter, Hanley and Stone. There aren’t many options for drug treatment in Staffordshire, and the centres in Stafford, Uttoxeter and Hanley are all operated by the same provider. We can provide telephone counselling for a small fee, which removes the inconvenience and expense associated with travel whilst still providing sufficient treatment for many cases of drug addiction.

Drug Rehab Treatment Stafford, Staffordshire

There is only one drug rehab in Stafford, but it also serves as a central office for the services located in Uttoxeter and Hanley. They provide harm reduction services such as needle exchange and testing for blood borne viruses, which are designed to reduce the risks associated with drug use. They have structured counselling, which helps users tackle the underlying issues which lead to their drug abuse. Staff can help users with the criminal justice system, and offer advice on drug related issues. The centres can also provide aftercare to ensure users reintegrate into society without relapse. The facility in Stafford also offers complementary therapies such as acupuncture and can refer patients to other services as required. This means that users requiring residential rehabilitation or inpatient detoxification will get the help they need.

Drug Rehab Clinics Hanley, Staffordshire

The drug rehab in Hanley is identical to the centre in Stafford. It offers a wide range of treatments, including harm reduction services, aftercare, complementary therapies, counselling, advice and referral to inpatient detoxification or residential centres as required.

Drug Rehab Treatment Staffordshire

The only drug rehab in Uttoxter is a specialist young person’s service, where the treatments are tailored to under 18s. The treatments are essentially identical to those provided at the centres in Hanley and Staffordshire, but they take into account issues specific to young people. All of these centres accept self-referrals.

Drug Rehab Programmes Stone, Staffordshire

The only drug rehab in Stone only offers advice, focusing on drugs and solvents. They aim to contribute to a healthier, safer social environment by preventing problems arising as a result of substance abuse, such as crime, suffering and death. They have a telephone helpline for people all over the country, offering support Monday to Friday. The centre can help users of any age, and have a strong focus on prevention. You don’t need a specialist referral to attend the drug treatment centre in Stone.

If you’re looking for drug rehab in Staffordshire, you should consider the options carefully before you make your decision. Most of the centres offer identical services, and the other one is dedicated to advice, so some users may have to travel for treatment. We have a detailed knowledge of all the centres in Staffordshire (and across the country), and provide free advice to help you reach the right decision for you or your loved one’s needs. If you’re struggling to reach a decision, or need any additional information about the services, we are here to help.

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