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Drug Rehab West Dunbartonshire

Finding out about the different centres offering drug rehab in West Dunbartonshire is absolutely integral to getting the right treatment for you or your loved one. There are facilities available in Alexandria, Clydebank and Dumbarton. Finding out about the specific drug (or drugs) you require treatment for helps you determine the specific services you need. It can also be helpful to learn about the different models for the treatment of addiction, because some centres employ one specifically. There are three centres in total for drug rehab in West Dunbartonshire.

Drug Rehab Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire

The drug rehab in Alexandria offers a comprehensive array of treatments, but only helps pregnant women with ongoing or previous drug issues. They have a drop in clinic with a midwife, obstetrician, a social worker and community psychiatric nurse on hand to help patients. The centre can provide inpatient detoxification, or work with a local GP to offer substitute medications (and ones to manage withdrawal symptoms) in a more convenient location.

Medical staff test for blood-borne viruses and can provide antenatal and postnatal services. The psychiatric nurse helps users address the issues which led them to addiction, and teaches them healthier coping mechanisms to help them control their use. The social worker helps the users with things like housing, debt and child protection, providing an aftercare-style service. Women of any age are welcome at the drug rehab in Alexandria.

Drug Rehab Treatment Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire

The only drug rehab in Clydebank provides a wide range of services to anybody struggling with addiction. They operate outreach programmes to help users in the local community, and also have special services for young people and families. Structured day programmes are available at this centre, which use a wide range of activities and interventions to help users get clean. They also offer counselling, in both one to one and group sessions. Harm reduction facilities are available, which aim to reduce the risks associated with drug use by providing things like blood-borne virus testing and clean injecting equipment. The centre also has a specialist programme to help users find work, and can assist with the criminal justice system.

Drug Rehab Clinics Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire

The centre offering drug rehab in Dumbarton is primarily a harm reduction centre. They test for blood-borne viruses, and anybody who is positive is referred onwards for further treatment. There are several needle exchange sessions each week, and there are also sessions in Helensburgh and Lochside. They offer advice, support and structured counselling to help users with the psychological aspects of addiction, and have GP sessions every week. The centre also has a special service for pregnant users, and can provide outpatient detoxification. Anybody aged 16 or over is eligible for treatment at this centre.

If you’re having trouble choosing a specific drug rehab in West Dunbartonshire, we offer free advice to help you make the right decision. We have a thorough knowledge of the different centres available in the local area, and can suggest which options most suit your circumstances. Getting the right treatment is vital to getting clean, and we’ll assess your requirements before suggesting a specific centre. We can also answer any questions you might have about treatment. Our advice is completely free, so pick up the phone and see what we can do for you!

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